My Art practice currently centres around working with black and white porcelain clays, to create abstract sculptural forms. My practice and these forms, have evolved from creative play - into sculptural works, that I feel represent a sense of energy and spirt, expressing a connection to place, belonging and the notion of ‘home’.

The organic elements of the works bring layers of meaning. The petals represent life, growth and rebirth from even the most desolate of environments. At times they represent layers of the earth, the movement of the ocean, or of simple life forms growing and making a place for themselves. And at other times the work speaks of metaphysical aspects of human experience – representing inner growth, and the struggles of the spirit and soul.

I enjoy maintaining an abstract quality in the work, enabling the viewer to come to their own feelings about it, and to make up their own meaning. When I am creating, I am also conscious of allowing the innate expression, characteristics and movement of the clay and glaze, to play a part in the final result, rather than attempting to force the material to comply. The dialogue between the artist and the material, is held in a delicate tension – the voice of the material, as integral as that of the maker.